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Are You Feeling Frustrated this Year?

 Last year, it was tough to make coin; this year, it feels formidable.  At least, THAT is the sentiment I keep hearing from people all across the globe in the enviromental and do good, do better spaces.  The world has gone crazy.

It's bloody tough to inspire others to make a difference when you yourself are barely scraping by.  And it's frightening to balance paying the bills with a dwindling client base. Because actively pursuing sustainability, decarbonization, degrowth, or social do better strategies are not easy money makers for anybody. 

We knew going in it wouldn't be a walk in the park.  But NOBODY expected so much to come flying at us so fast. All of us are regularly saying, OMFG.  And somehow, the usual 'breathe, just breathe' mantras don't cut it.  

You are too bright to do the banal new-year new-you resolution thing.  And too smart to fall for another 'this will solve your problems' seminar, audio, or free masterclass.  Yet you know you must do something different this year. 

You initially chose to be in the do-good space, the lane that places people, the planet, society, and justice ahead of profit because it was exactly right and better than the alternative. However, let's be frank. There isn't much education, experience, and wisdom widely available about how to do something different, be someone different, AND make money while doing it. 

And THAT'S frustrating, isn't it?

On March 21st, all that changes 

Introducing the first public workshop tailored for those in the do-good space.  This is a unique opportunity to focus entirely on you and your business, to learn and grow in a supportive environment and to walk away with a roadmap tailored to your own skills and talents. 

In two hours, you will understand the unique strengths and values you possess but may not fully recognize. These are your business's 'secret sauce' components, and I'll show you how to leverage them to make a profit. Then, on February 28th, take away different ideas, action plans plus your own roadmap to give your business the edge to reach the finish line faster and stronger. Perhaps most importantly, reclaim your ability to stand tall and calm in the center of the storms.

I am making 2025 my year to share this proven wisdom on a broader basis, establishing a community of similar thinkers and collaborating for the greater good of all.  Because I know when we change our perspectives, we change the world.

And the best part? The investment for this first public workshop is $750. Canadian dollars.  That's about 500 in both US dollars and Euros. A small price to pay for the invaluable knowledge and skills you'll gain. 

Two Days, 2 hours each day

March 21st

Take Aways

  • Clarity about your secret powers.  What is buried in your bones, your DNA and how you have finessed it over your life. 
  • The real reason people lean on you, rely on you and most importantly CHOOSE you.

  • Why a little bit of you is divine and how a whole lot can get you into trouble.
  • Easy effective ways to get in front of that trouble and lower the rise in temperatures immediately.
  • Why so many people do NOT think like you and what you can do about it.
March 28th

Take Aways

  • The two best kinds of personality you naturally attract.

  • Magnetic phrases that work for you and no one else.

  • Alternative ideas for creating your best business strategy.
  • Understanding why some of your tactics worked, and others haven't.
  • Clarity for driving more substantial results and community for your business.
  • Fully stand in all your power, confident and ready for 2025.

How it Works

Attendance is capped at 30 people.  Please come prepared to think, play and interact fully.  Warning:  The time will expand and contract in direct proportion to the amount of interaction.  We are on Zoom.  The time is 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm EST

During the week between the first and second session, you will spend no more than 60 minutes on home play.  What's home play?  Others call it homework.  To me, that sounds hard.  I opt for home play.  It's fun, it's easy and it can take as long or as little as YOU like. 


Why Now?

Here's what I see. Traditional business methods do not serve most in the do-good space. And the do-good space does not command the same level of respect as does the traditional full-on for-profit world. Worse, there is often an expectation to assume some level of a vow for poverty.  Which almost always results in fear, guilt and even shame about charging for or even paying market rates and maintaining a decent standard of living while doing so.  Worse, compared to regular for-profit businesses, there are tides of misinformation, deceitful practices and outright lies to battle against. Day after day, it becomes demoralizing, exhausting and brutally frustrating.

I believe it’s time for a change. To give all those in the green, the sustainability, the degrowth, the social and the greater good for all markets to have their own unfair advantage. 

These two two-hour sessions could be the beginning of something amazing for you and your business.


Sign Up by March 20th

My Personal Guarantee

This is not your usual business, mindset or marketing bumpf. There is absolutely no fluff or get-rich-quick schemes in any of this. I have never overpromised and underdelivered in my life.

This is all about finding the brilliance you already bring to the table, really tapping into it, and then making it do the work for you in your business.

If, after the end of the two sessions, you feel you have learned NOTHING of any value, I will refund your investment.  No questions asked.


Sign Up by March 20th

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Charlene Norman

Truth Teller & Business Architect

I've more than 30 years in traditional business, playing CEO of companies with revenue from $35 million to nearly $1 billion.  Trained in finance and marketing, forged in operations and humanity, I used to brag about my ability to make millionaires at the drop of a hat.  My secret sauce has always been to see things others can't and show you how to make them yours in the simplest way possible.

These days, I am invested in shining a light at the intersection of business and Planet Earth and sharing what works better for those who want to make a bigger impact in the world.


This is what some of my one on one clients have told me.

I can't begin to express how stunned I am at this reveal. You have captured my entire essence; and suddenly, everything is very clear.


Where has this been hiding?  Everyone in technology, maths, and engineering NEEDS this. I now understand why others want me on their team AND what they get.

IT Executive Officer

This is the missing piece.  NOBODY is sharing this.  I can't believe how easy it is to run my business now. Thank you doesn't begin to cover what you've given me.

CEO of Sustainability Co

I have wasted so much money on marketing and messaging.  The answer has been inside of me all this time.  Thank you for showing me how to pull it out and use it.  Totally blown away.

Professional Problem Solver